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Natural stones are a great way to add a timeless beauty to your home and complete the look of your landscape. River rocks, flagstone pavers, and boulders will add dimension and visual interest to your landscape while also helping to guide guests through and around your property. There are a wide variety of types, shapes, and colors available, which means you’re bound to find a way to incorporate natural stone at various different points around your yard. Consider these natural stone design ideas and consult with a hardscaping company in Sunnyvale to bring your vision to life.

Complement the Landscape Design
First, you want to consider the entire space you will be working with before you design any hardscaping elements. You should understand the flow and design of the landscape so you can incorporate hardscape features that will complement the landscape design. Taking the landscape design into account will help you create a harmonious and cohesive outdoor space.

Develop a Focal Point
As you think of ways to incorporate natural stone around your property, consider one or two visual elements that will demand attention and make your guests pause. Natural stone focal points can include elements such as a built-up stone wall or a boulder-lined natural stone staircase. If you don’t have any good ideas, browse landscape design websites and save pictures of any natural stone elements that you respond to emotionally. Chances are at least one of these elements can be incorporated into your hardscape design as an effective focal point.

Balance Colors and Lines
A good hardscape design is all about balance. Using stones of the same color, size, or shape can create an unnatural and disharmonious feel. Try to balance the colors and lines you create with natural stone materials to give your outdoor space a more composed look. If you aren’t sure where to begin, start by visiting a hardscape supply warehouse in Sunnyvale.